Cyberhackers are growing more sophisticated, and so is our approach. LFC Managed Solutions offers a multi-faceted approach to IT security. Strategic security protects every point of your business—email, storage, servers, and applications. We prevent hackers with powerful programming and security solutions. That way, your company’s data is kept out of the wrong hands.

Our goal is to maintain the integrity of your network and protect your company’s sensitive information. We will build an IT security plan that addresses all of your vulnerabilities. We know that every network is different and requires a flexible plan. Our IT security specialists believe a truly effective plan is a proactive one. We will work to keep your IT environment safe and prevent attacks before the happen.

Preventative Maintenance Services

Preventative maintenance is the framework to a healthy IT environment. It ensures that your organization’s valuable information is safeguarded—even when the unpredictable strikes. Preventative maintenance takes charge of integrity and performance, all while staying on budget.

No longer do small and mid-sized businesses have to settle for a reactive plan. LFC Managed Solutions addresses vulnerabilities before something detrimental happens, instead of reacting to an IT crisis. We offer enterprise-level preventative maintenance and support so your business can stay functioning at its best.


Virus and Malware Solutions

Trojans, viruses, ransomware, worms, and other threats all fall into the category of malware. They infiltrate and damage your system without your consent. They seek and destroy without making themselves known to the user. Oftentimes, it can be hard to recognize a malware threat before it’s too late.

Many people fall victim to identity theft and credit card fraud without multiple layers of protection. We will create a robust IT security plan that ensures you are protected from threats around the clock.
